The Four Clans RP Wiki

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Birdkit is a black and brown tortoiseshell she-cat with glossy, medium length fur and a white nose marking white tail tip, a white ear tip, two white paws and round amber eyes. She is a little small for her age with fur puffing up on her chest, slightly rounded ears, and long whiskers and tail. She can often be found with a flower behind one ear or wearing a flower crown. Most often a pink water lily.


Birdkit is a curious, clumsy, forgetful she-cat who loves to listen to elders stories and play with her siblings. She is social, though can hurt others feelings without realising it, and can be way too trusting of strangers at times, tending to think the best of others. The tortie she-cat can seem annoying at times with her many questions, and though has good intentions, doesn't often think about how her actions could hurt others. She is very eager to learn, though isn't always that concentrated. She is adventurous, bold and loves making new friends.

Skills and Weakness[]

Skills: Birdkit is very creative. (WIP)

Weaknesses: Birdkit can be way too trusting of strangers at times. (WIP)


Kit hood[]

0 moons.

Birdkit was born as the youngest in Gorseburn and Thrushperch's first litter, along with her older brothers Spiderkit and Perchkit.

She was the second to open her eyes out of the three kits, and quickly became friends with Ferncoat, who showed her how to make moss cats and, after some hesitation, a fighting move where you bite the tail of your enemy.

Birdy also met Duskbell, and after making him a moss cat, he told her about geese and snakes.

Some other cats she met included Dayrise, Cranepaw, and Rooktalon who took her out of cam for the first time.

Later her mother also let her out into camp, and the kit could often be found there after, either playing with a leaf, making moss cats, or creating flower crowns for anyone who interacted with her.

In a non canon rp, she met Peonykit and the two played together.


Adult hood[]

Family and friends[]

Gorseburn, ThunderClan, Queen, She-cat, Mother, Alive

Thrushperch, ThunderClan, Warrior, Tom, Father, Alive

Spiderkit, ThunderClan, Kit, Tom, Older Brother, Littermate, Alive

Perchkit, ThunderClan, Kit, Tom, Older Brother, Littermate, Alive

Ferncoat, ThunderClan, Warrior, She-cat, Best Friend, Alive
